Raquel Martinez (1984) is a Catalan print maker and visual artist based in Barcelona since 2022.
The first contact she had with the world of printmaking was when she was studying a General Certificate of Education at “Escolad’art de Vic”, before starting her university studies. She studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, specializing in video and photography, to study the areas of printmaking and the photographic language in its expanded field.
Raquel specialized in printmaking during her time at the ‘Escola d’Art Llotja’ in Barcelona, where she gained a deep understanding of the processes, materials and techniques, which she then applies and invokes in her prints. Her final project “Andronic de Rodes” was selected and exhibited at the CCCB (Barcelona). After that, she won first place in a scholarship to study at “Escuela de Grabado y Edición, Real Casa de la Moneda y Timbre” (FMNT, Madrid) in 2014 studying the first six months of the master’s degree. She worked at Thumbprint Editions (London) as a studio manager and it had decisively influenced her artistic practice. Working closely with master printmaker Peter Kosowicz, has shaped and marked the way she sees and approaches the world of printmaking. She has had the opportunity to work with renowned international and British artists. The artists that have inspired her work the most are Cathy Wilkes, because of her experimental approach and the use of colour; Cornelia Parker for her unique use of the photogravure technique; and Anish Kapoor for his unusual use of light.
She has exhibited in different group exhibitions including “Exhaustion and exuberance” Art Gallery Deptford Does Art (London) and “QU.BI mini print International Esposizione” Qu.Bi Gallery (Italy), “20/20 Reinterpreting Posada” Museo Posada (Aguascalientes). She has participated in art fairs like “Fira del llibre d’art i disseny. ARTSLIBRIS” Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona),“ Authentic Marks, Annual International Miniature Printmaking Exhibition ” (United Arab Emirates).
Premios o distinciones destacables
-First prize “ON PAPER” international contest Barcelona
-First honorable mention in the “Mini print Internacional Cantabria” Suances competition (Cantabria)
-The selection in the “XV Jesús Núñez International Graphic Art Prize”(Betanzos)
-The Printmaking Today award at the Woolwich Contemporary Print fair (London)
Obras de Raquel Martínez
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