Drawing and printmaking
Works and lives in Bilbao. After doing the art degree in the University of Basque Country, she accomplish a
master in graphic desing. She has developed knoweledge in engraving and printmaking in diferent workshops
and fundations such as La Taller or Fundación CIEC. Between the remarkable shows and exhibitions we can
mention the XX. Artist meeting point in Okela, the new artist programe of Gipuzkoa or the fair of Getxoarte.
I practice archival exercises and store images or forms that catch my attention, looking for them or getting
them in a forced way. By themselves they don’t consist of an artistic intention, they are an act of recording.
But by accumulating them, links and readings that structure the body of the archive make appearance uncovering
a sensibility, in which thuggish or lout style, bright things, food and pareidolia show up recurrently.
From this file that nourishes a fairly thick imaginary, a series of images that culminate in diferent projects are
I am interested in the hybridation of printing techniques when it comes to articulate new images, and I really
like to combine the visual resources that both, handmade drawings and digital programes bring me when I´m
putting together some strata. I find this attractive because of the superposition of materials and the visual
effect that this generates when it comes to create layers in prerception.
In my prints I work with an image treatment that makes apology of ignorance and technical clumsiness as a
legitimate method. Either having a “careless” and random execution in manual techniques or making use of
pre-sets when doing it in digital format.
By this I mean that for example during the aquatint process, instead of gradually dipping in the acid to get
degraded, I like to do it with aerosol reserves, getting a gradient with much more noise and texture.
I get the feeling that sometimes the prints that are produced have a very targeted aesthetic, so exploring my
own language and new registers seems fundamental to me to open new paths, so I try to work my prints in a
contemporary way, both formally and technically.
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