Marta  Barragan


The milky way. Premio Open Portfolio 2014


Me llamo Marta Barragán y desde el día en el que cogí un lápiz, no lo volví a soltar. Crecí dibujando y admirando los dibujos de ilustradores y artistas que tenía alrededor, y mi ilusión era que en un futuro, serían mis ilustraciones las que formarían parte de la vida de otras personas.
Trabajo con anatomía y figuras geométricas, combinando a veces infinidad de elementos para crear entornos surrealistas que representan estados de ánimo y el carácter de las figuras que se representan. Me muevo por lo analógico,siendo el grabado el recurso que más utilizo para construir mi propio lenguaje.

Marta was bom in Vitoria, Basque Country, in 1991 . As far as she can remember, she has always been drawing, influenced by her dad. She started studying art at a very young age, back in primary school. She developed specific interest on drawing and illustration, but it wasn't until 2013 that she discovered printmaking. At her second year at the Fine Farts faculty in Leioa she recieved an introductory course which made her tell in love with the technic and the graphic language of it. One year later, while she was studying at the Oslo and Akershus university, she delved into screenprinting.
When she carne back to Spain, she decided to build her bachellor's final project around etching, and so she did. While she vas was developing her project, she took part in her first printmaking fair, the Fig Fair Bilbao, in 2014, in the Open Portfolio selection. She was selected as the winner of that year and was given an expositive space in the next year's fair. This was the move that trapped her in the printmaking world. In 2015, gathered with Myriam Gesalaga and lñaki Elosua Urkiri, Grafika Collective was created. This union made their presence at the Fig Fair Bilbao 2015 possible, which teh have been attending together, and reunited them for collective works as Amalgama Gráfica (patanegra Editions) and Lerroa, a collective project of their own.
After finishing her studies in Leioa, she moved to Galicia with a scolarship, to study different techniques at the CIEC ( intemational Contemporary Printmaking Center), and then, she moved to Valencia to attend her master's degree in Artistic production at the Politechnique University of Valencia, always focused on Graphic art. There, she developed her final project on printmaking techniques combination, such as artists's book making, and a mix of
screenprinting, etching and special effects inks,
Since 2018 she lives in Vitoria, where she combines rer job as a prívate teacher and her artistic vocation, by fulfilling diversa commitements for customers and planning and giving sorne introductory courses at her own workshop.

Obras de Marta Barragan

A Chosen Job
My fighting puppy
The milky way

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